Home / Event / Spring Native Plant Sale at Tucker (Modjeska Canyon)

Spring Native Plant Sale at Tucker (Modjeska Canyon)

  • May 12, 2024
    10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Top five reasons to plant locally native plants in your garden!
  1. Native plants support local pollinators, birds, and other wildlife.
  2. Native plants are suited to our climate, so they need less water than most traditional landscape plants, and no fertilizer.
  3. California is a biodiversity hot spot, with many species found nowhere else in the world. Urban sprawl has destroyed much of our habitat, making our plant communities some of the world’s most depleted. Lets create habitat in our own yards!
  4. Native plants are beautiful!
  5. Help support the Environmental Nature Center!

Replacing water-consuming, high-maintenance, traditional landscapes and lawn with locally native plants can reduce the average homeowner’s water consumption by 60% according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Native plants help save our ecosystems and the bird and insect species that depend on them. Our gardens are fast becoming the last refuge for many wildlife species, such as songbirds, butterflies, bees, frogs and other beneficial creatures, that have lost habitat due to human development. In some cases, cultivated gardens that offer a rich diversity of native plants may offer more resources, such as foraging opportunities for birds and other wildlife, than surrounding degraded wild lands.

The California Native Plant Society is a great resource for more information: https://www.cnps.org/gardening/choosing-your-plants/native-planting-guides

So is CalScape: https://gardenplanner.calscape.org/


Venue Phone: 949-645-8489

Venue Website:

29322 Modjeska Canyon Rd, Silverado, CA, 92676, U. S.

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